Groundhog Day Sign

Driving through a neighborhood on my way to do some essential shopping, I saw a sign in someone's yard that read "Groundhog Day" followed by a number. I haven't been that way lately, but the last time I saw read it, it said day #38. I did chuckle at the creativity and commentary provided by this neighbor. During the stay at home order, when one day looked very much like the previous from home, keep an eye on children's e learning assignments, monitor hand washing and social distancing and taking walks...yes, we all struggled with what day is it anyway? Brain fatigue also has played a strong part in the exhaustion all of us are feeling as we adapted to a new way to work, live, play, and engage. And stay well!

I also felt a little sad that, for someone, their days looked, felt, seemed the same, day after day. When I first began doing telehealth sessions, I wanted my clients to really take to heart and think about how they were going to use this time. How we think about things makes all the difference in the world. To look back on this time as well spent and meaningful versus horrible, couldn't wait for it to end. As I listen to my clients, I have been delighted to hear all the different ways they are using this time beyond the necessities of e learning or working from home. My teen clients are, of course, using lots of social media to stay connected, but also writing letters to friends and family. The seniors are doing well as their focus is on planning for college. Most are loving the pause in their busy lives to read, paint, draw, bake, just enjoy each day and thinking how they will design their extracurricular lives once the world opens up again. Couples are doing better as there is less of the "me" and more of the "we" as they meet the needs of their children and their spouse versus being focused on what they are not getting. Others are taking advantage of the time to dig into some projects around the house; spending more time out of doors. learning to love again preparing meals for their family, really good stuff is coming out of this time. Each day is a new day with opportunities versus Groundhog Day which just repeats the same with no change.

Life continued to go forward with bumps and joys and disappointments and laughter. Families got closer and others decided it was time to file for divorce.  Loved ones died and others gave birth. As Indiana begins to slowly return to what we knew, we will be challenged still as nothing has remained the same, no Groundhog Day. We all will need to find our own "new normal" ~ I guarantee it will be different than what use to be. 

Stay well! 

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