COVID-19 Crisis

Last week, while out of town, I was well aware of the growing COVID-19 crisis and thinking through how I would respond to the needs of my clients once back in the office. While COVID-19 is a medical issues, for all of us, there is a huge impact on our mental health as we negotiate the stressors and ripples as we move through our daily life. 

What you need to know ~ 

If you are not feeling well, PLEASE stay home. 

For now, I will maintain regular face to face office hours. My 24 hours cancellation policy remains in effect. If a client falls to cancel their appointment with less than 24 hours notice, the clients will be billed $60.00 and no further appointments can be scheduled until billed amount is paid. 

Established clients may opt to have a phone session, FaceTime, or Skype session. Please contact me at least 12 hours before your session (at mobile 630.408.8382). This is also the number you will use for a phone, FaceTime, or Skype session. New clients must be seen in a face to face session before they can opt for these other session formats. 

My office site is a low use facility. We are not increasing our cleaning schedule nor providing sanitation supplies for client use. It is client's responsibility to use/provide their own supplies to feel comfortable in this space. If you won't feel comfortable, then please use the phone, FaceTime, or Skype options for your appointments.

My webmasters have offered telehealth site for the next 2 months. I will have that HIPAA site ready by March 23. I will be sending invitation emails to clients to set up client portion on the site. Watch your email for that invitation a few days prior to your appointment. 

Updates to this information will either be posted on my home page or COVID-19 on the Blog.

Stay well and wash your hands.


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