Wednesday Ramblings

If you choose not to find joy in the snow, 

you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow.

Woke to snow this morning, so pretty on the little woods behind my house. The squirrels have been rustling about, scampering over the fallen trees and skittering up and down as they carry their treasured found nuts back to their nests. 

The statement above carries wisdom, not just about snow, but about all that happens in our life. Buried, just like the nuts the squirrels are reveling in finding on this snowy morning, is joy. We can look at the snow and think about shoveling, inconvenience, bundling up OR we can see the beauty in the branches heavy with snow, revel in the crisp air, build a snowman, be joyful we get to experience another winter day. And as the sentence above says, in the choosing, we still have the same amount of snow. Its the amount of JOY we decide we will bring into our life by how we experience what's happening in our life. 

Choose JOY! 

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